Volunteer in your local community and the around the world
Did you know that ASU Students contributed more than 1.8 million hours of service to the community last year?
At ASU we believe that our student population of more than 80,000 can make a significant impact in the local and global community. Each year we demonstrate this commitment to service through large scale events and through the everyday service of thousands of Sun Devils.
One notable event occurred in the Fall of 2014 when ASU students helped the Valley of the Sun United way package more than 1,993 Weekend Hunger Backpacks in three minutes to break a Guinness World Record!
Sun Devils partner with the Valley of the Sun United Way to break a world record
How will you make a difference? Explore the links below to find your own pathway to service:
- SERVE Newsletter Sign up for Changemaker’s weekly listing of volunteer opportunities on and off-campus
- Volunteer@ ASU - Create your unique profile to find and sign up for service opportunities and track your volunteer hours
- Woodside Community Action Grant - Apply for a Woodside Community Action Grant and receive up to $1500 to carry out service-focused projects in the local community
- Changemaker Days of Service - Spend a Saturday making a difference in the community with fellow Sun Devils
- Devils in Disguise - Participate in a sixteen year tradition and ASU’s largest day of student-led community service
- America Reads - The America Reads Program at ASU partners with local community organizations and Title 1 schools to provide tutoring and mentoring programs for underserved youth
- University Service Learning - University Service-Learning offers ASU courses that link academic curriculum with service at Community Partner sites and provides service-learning resources to ASU faculty, K-12 teachers, and the community
- Make Your Impact - Apply your passions and skills to create positive social change in our local and global communities through high-impact opportunities such as AmeriCorps, Peace Corps and Teach for America
- Service Student Organizations - Join a service-oriented student organization or start one that aligns with your passions
If you are aware of an ASU resource for community service that is not represented here, please let us know by emailing changemaker@asu.edu.